Radio Shoutcast

Iniciado por TerraChat, Sep 04, 2024, 01:11 PM

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#### ++++ Author: MadaliN <>
### +++ Website:
## +++ TCL name: radio
# +++ Version: 3.0
# +++ Commands:
#   !radio -activate/-deactivate (this command activates/deactivate the script on a specified channel. It can work on more channel at once with different radio stations)
#   !radio -ip/-port/-name/usage (with this command you have to configure the radio script)
#   !radio unique/on/peak/maxim/listeners/frequence/song (this command display specific informations about the radio server)
# +++ Example:
#   !radio -activate
#   !radio -ip
#   !radio -port 9300
#   !radio -name Albanian-Eagles
#   !radio listeners
# ..this is an actual radio ip/port that works with this script.
# NOTE: This script only works with shoutcast radio servers (only)

bind PUBM - * radio:main
bind PUBM - * ascenture:radio

catch {bind TIME - * radio:routine}

setudef flag radio
setudef str name
setudef str ips
setudef str port
setudef str dj

set temp(cmds) "dj listeners unique peak on maxim frequence song"

package require http

proc radio:routine {min hour day month year} {
global temp

foreach chan [channels] {
if {[channel get $chan radio]} {
set ip [channel get $chan ips]
set port [channel get $chan port]

if {$ip eq ""} { return }

if {[llength $ip] && [llength $port]} {
set url "http://$ip:$port/7.html"

set token [http::config -useragent Mozilla]
set token [http::geturl "$url"]
set data [::http::data $token]
::http::cleanup $token

if {[channel get $chan name] == ""} { channel set $chan name "RADIO NAME IS NOT SET" }

regexp -line {<html><body>(.*),(.*),(.*),(.*),(.*),(.*),(.*)</body></html>$} $data -> unique on peak maxim listeners frequence song;

if {[info exists temp(song)]} {
if {$temp(song) ne $song} {
foreach chan [channels] {
if {[channel get $chan radio]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :NEW song .. $song"

set temp(song) $song
} else {
foreach chan [channels] {
if {[channel get $chan radio]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :NEW song .. $song"
set temp(song) $song

proc radio:main {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
global temp

if {[string index $arg 0] in {! . `}} {
set temp(cmd) [string range $arg 1 end]
set temp(cmd) [lindex [split $temp(cmd)] 0]
set arg [join [lrange [split $arg] 1 end]]
} elseif {[isbotnick [lindex [split $arg] 0]]} {
set temp(cmd) [lindex [split $arg] 1]
set arg [join [lrange [split $arg] 2 end]]
} else { return 0 }

set temp(announce) "$nick $temp(cmd) $chan"

if {[lsearch -nocase $temp(cmds) $temp(cmd)] ne "-1"} { command $chan $nick $temp(cmd) }

proc ascenture:radio {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
global temp

if {![matchattr $hand n]} { return }

set ip [channel get $chan ips]
set port [channel get $chan port]
set type [lindex [split $arg] 1]

switch -exact $type {
-activate {
channel set $chan +radio

putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - \00304radio TCL\003 has been succesfully \00312activated\003"
-deactivate -
-dezactiveaza {
channel set $chan -radio

putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - \00304radio TCL\003 has been succesfully \002dezactivat\002 deactivated"
-dj -
-dj {
if {![llength [lindex [split $arg] 2]]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002ERROR\002: You have to specify a 'dj name'"
} else {
channel set $chan dj [lindex [split $arg] 2]

putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002SUCCESS\002: 'dj name' has been set to: \00312[lindex [split $arg] 2]"
-name -
-nume {
if {![llength [lindex [split $arg] 2]]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002ERROR\002: You have to specify a 'radio name'"
} else {
channel set $chan name [lindex [split $arg] 2]

putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002SUCCESS\002: 'radio name' has been set to: \00312[lindex [split $arg] 2]"
-ip {
if {![llength [lindex [split $arg] 2]]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002ERROR\002: You have to specify a 'radio ip'"
channel set $chan ips [lindex [split $arg] 2]

putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002SUCCESS\002: 'radio ip' has been set to: \00312[lindex [split $arg] 2]"

-port {
if {![llength [lindex [split $arg] 2]]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002ERROR\002: You have to specify a 'radio port'"
} else {
channel set $chan port [lindex [split $arg] 2]

putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002SUCCESS\002: 'radio port' has been set to: \00312[lindex [split $arg] 2]"
usage {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002USAGE\002: !radio <\00303-name\003|\00303-ip\003|\00303-port\003|\00303-activate\003|\00303-deactivate\003>"

proc command {chan nick type} {

set ip [channel get $chan ips]
set port [channel get $chan port]

if {[llength $ip] && [llength $port]} {
set url "http://$ip:$port/7.html"

set token [http::config -useragent Mozilla]
set token [http::geturl "$url"]
set data [::http::data $token]
::http::cleanup $token

if {[channel get $chan name] == ""} { channel set $chan name "RADIO NAME IS NOT SET" }

regexp -line {<html><body>(.*),(.*),(.*),(.*),(.*),(.*),(.*)</body></html>$} $data -> unique on peak maxim listeners frequence song;

switch -exact -- $type {
unici - unique {
if {$unique == ""} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - '$type' couldnt be read (the website is not providing this information)"; return }

putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - The unique number of listeners from the servers are: \00304$unique"
on {
if {$on == ""} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - '$type' couldnt be read (the website is not providing this information)"; return }

putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - Online listeners on the server are: \00304$on"
varf - peak {
if {$peak == ""} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - '$type' couldnt be read (the website is not providing this information)"; return }

putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - current peak is: \00304$peak"
maxim {
if {$maxim == ""} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - '$type' couldnt be read (the website is not providing this information)"; return }

putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - The maxim number of listeners that can connect to the servers is: \00304$maxim"
ascultatori - listeners {
if {$listeners == ""} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - '$type' couldnt be read (the website is not providing this information)"; return }

putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - The current listeners connected on the server are: \00304$listeners"
frecventa - frequence {
if {$frequence == ""} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - '$type' couldnt be read (the website is not providing this information)"; return }

putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - The current frequence is: \00304$frequence "
melodie - song {
if {$song == ""} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - '$type' couldnt be read (the website is not providing this information)"; return }

putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - current song is: \00304$song"
dj {

putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - DJ is: \00304[channel get $chan dj]"

putlog "++ succesfully loaded \00304Radio TCL\003"