
Mata al pato \_O< en el canal #Traffic-Games

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Iniciado por TerraChat, Oct 10, 2023, 12:37 PM

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# name: downgreet.tcl      date: 28.5.2001
# desc.: Enables a short greet when services (or any other nick)
# is offline.
# author: sixsix           version: 0.1b
# NOTE: uses Bahamut (DALnets ircd) specific features (watch),
# won't work on other ircds that dont support them.

# Made originally for #irchelp at DALnet, to note users
# when services are down.

# Channels to enable greet.
set channels { #Cristianos}

# Name of one part of Services (e.g. NickServ, ChanServ)
# (or any other nick)
set servicesname "NickServ"

# Set the information line for bot.

set info_line "¡NOTA! Los servicios están actualmente inactivos. No se pueden utilizar comandos de ChanServ/NickServ/MemoServ/BotServ en este momento, lo que significa que no puedes registrar tu canal o apodo. No podemos ofrecer soporte en los canales. Lamentablemente, no tenemos información sobre cuándo volverán a estar disponibles. Por favor, no respondas a este mensaje."

## Don't change below this.

set greeting "off"

bind raw - 601 services_offline
bind raw - 605 services_offline
bind raw - 604 services_online
bind raw - 600 services_online

bind join - * a_join
bind evnt - init-server addwatch

proc addwatch { type } {
global servicesname
putserv "watch +$servicesname"

proc a_join { nick uhost hand chan } {
    global channels greeting info_line
    if {$greeting == "on"} {

foreach channel $channels {
    if {$chan == $channel} {
putserv "notice $nick :$info_line"

proc services_offline { from keyword args } {
global greeting
putlog "Enabling greeting"
set greeting "on"

proc services_online { from keyword args } {
global greeting
putlog "Disabling greeting"
set greeting "off"

putlog "DownGreet by sixsix, enabling watch.. (for $servicesname)"
putserv "watch +$servicesname"
putlog "DownGreet loaded."