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Iniciado por TerraChat, Oct 03, 2023, 09:55 AM

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# addallusers1.0
# Forword by Wangster:
# This script will add all users to the user file who join any channel the bot is on.
# Why would you want to do that? The idea is to use this script in conjunction with
# either the +seen channel setting, or a seen script like seen5.4.tcl.
# adding this script will allow you to track everyone who joins your channel.
# It should be noted that this will almost certainly cause your user file to grow
# out of control, so you should use "./eggdrop/scripts/weed" script that comes with the default
# distribution of Eggdrop to trim down your user file.

# All code by Hunger

# Bindings
bind join - "* *" new_user

proc new_user {nick user handle channel} {
    global botnick
    if {$botnick == $nick} {return 0}
    set founduser [finduser *!$user]
    if {[validuser $nick] != 0} {putlog "USER: User $nick was found in the database"}
    if {$founduser != "*"} {putlog "USER: User $nick was found as $founduser ($user) in the database"}
    if {[validuser $nick] == 0 && [finduser *!$user] == "*"} {
        set usehost [maskhost $nick!$user]
        putlog "USER: New user $nick detected on $channel"
        set okadd [adduser $nick $usehost]
        if {$okadd == 1} {putlog "USER: $nick on channel $channel with host $usehost."}

putlog "- Add all users 1.0 (egg1.3) by Hunger (published by Wangster)"